Our Mission & Vision
At CBC, we have a unified commitment to bring glory to God through the training & equipping of believers,
in a Great Commandment environment of loving God, loving each other (Matthew 22:36-40), for the purpose
of engaging actively in the Great Commission – the making of disciples, both at home and abroad (Matthew 28:16-20).
Our Commitment to Missions:
Since the beginning of our congregation in 1950, cross-cultural missions has been a central focus. 25% of every dollar in undesignated funds that is given by our congregation goes directly to missions (with much more given as directly designated to specific missionary families). As a church, we support 29 full-time missionary families, 20 of which call CBC their home church. We also support a great number of short-term mission trips and other missions-based ministries, globally. The number of members entering full-time missions is growing every year, with people making the commitment as adults to leave their work for full-time cross-cultural, church planting missions.

Leadership Structure:
We believe that the early church leadership structure clearly demonstrates a plurality of leadership (Elders and Deacons).
Acts 6:1-7 , Acts 14:1-28 , 1 Timothy 3:1-13 , Titus 1:1-16
A church elder is a man called by God to be an overseer. God’s Word calls these men to bring the Word of God to bear on the life of our church family. It is God’s Word that is the source of all we do individually and corporately to grow in intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ. Bringing the Word to bear on the life of a church means that elders are called and equipped to instruct, rebuke, and encourage God’s flock with loving long-suffering from the Word.
II Timothy 4:2
Deacons are the servant-leaders of the church who minister to the physical needs of the church body. The biblical call for the deacons is found primarily in I Timothy 3:8-13. Their ministry is to be an administrative arm of the elders.